Health and fitness market research data

According to the Pew Internet and American Life Project, a project Pew Research Center, two-thirds of U.S. adults are either overweight or obese. About half of this population lives with hypertension, diabetes, heart conditions, and cancer. Consumers are confused about how to be healthy. At the same time, they think the internet can help them learn […]

Learning how to be a fitness entrepreneur

For the last 12 years I have been learning how to become an internet entrepreneur. More specifically, a fitness entrepreneur. It all started when I was training for my first weight lifting competition. I was 16 years old and a sophomore in high school. The Influence of Fitness Growing up I played every sport I […]

Innovate like a caveman playing with rocks

I remember when i first started designing I would just sit in front of the computer and play with shapes as I tried to piece together a new website. I now compare that to a caveman playing with rocks as he tries to make a wheel. Research leads to innovation. Innovation leads to inspiration. Inspiration […]

How your about page can be a sales tool

The about page is in the top 3 pages visited by unique website visitors. I arrive on a website I’ve never been to before. What’s the first thing I do? I read the headline text on the home page, do a quick assessment of the graphics and user interface which lets me know if the […]

Write everything down even if it doesn't make sense

Write all your thoughts. Don’t worry about whether it makes sense. Just write it all down. In the past, if I thought a topic was not important then I wouldn’t need it for the book at all. I have come to learn it is impossible for me to know what will end up in the final […]