fitness website checklistIf I want to help people be healthy I first need to know why they are not healthy to begin with.

Common excuses people use to not exercise or live healthy lives:

Think about the content you can produce that will combat those excuses.
Next, I need to find out how to get people to take action. I can’t be healthy for them.
According to research found in the 2012 Food and Health Survey, the following items motivate people to get healthy.

What motivates people to become healthy?

With this information I can produce content specifically tailored to meet the needs of consumers. I know why people don’t exercise and I know what motivates people to become healthy.
According to the same survey, over 50% of Americans say it’s easier to do taxes than figure out how to eat well.
Are you producing information consumers are looking for?

Health and fitness website checklist:

Does your website make it easy for consumers to be healthy?

Health and fitness app checklist:

What do you have in your fitness app or fitness website that I forgot to mention?

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