Actualizing Purpose into Business

My experience in business creation is mostly around actualizing my purpose into the work I bring to the world. Starting the journey from purpose means standing for something more.

Simplifying Organizational Transformation

“Making things better. Taking responsibility and creating a positive cycle of generous action. Leading by example. Finding a small corner where you can make a difference, and then making a difference.” -Seth Godin

Building a Social Enterprise Ecosystem

I remember like it was yesterday. My two dogs and I boarded an Uber on June 16th, 2016. We went from New Jersey to Washington, D.C. to embark on a journey to bring my innovation ecosystem from Princeton to the nation’s capital.

Poem for Social Entrepreneurs

Grateful for challenges that life throws our way. Leveraging the adversity is how we earn honest pay. We talk about “the man”, the “one percent”, and we give excuses. We justify our mediocrity at the expense of creative juices. We tend to ask permission if we need to blame the system. We accept it everyday, […]


Prethinc is a preincubation pipeline that acts as a due diligence partner for the global startup ecosystem.