What's trending after pepper spray
Now that the pepper spray has settled it’s time to see what’s really trending: — Chancellor Katehi Stops Passing the Pepper Spray: Published to Youtube by UC Davis — Robert Reich features in this two minute teaser from MoveOn.org. According to UC Berkeley’s website, Robert Reich served on Obama’s Advisory Board and he was President […]
Shira Blazes a Trail for the DIY Nation
The next step in our digital evolution is to learn how to communicate effectively and develop strategic communication plans. We know how to use Facebook to communicate with our friends…now it’s time to use Facebook to deliver ideas, messages and movements. I’m not talking about protesting…I’m talking about proactively designing your own future. Who do […]
What's Trending After Pepper Spray
Now that the pepper spray has settled it’s time to see what’s really trending: — Chancellor Katehi Stops Passing the Pepper Spray: Published to Youtube by UC Davis — Robert Reich features in this two minute teaser from MoveOn.org. According to UC Berkeley’s website, Robert Reich served on Obama’s Advisory Board and he was President […]
Curating FOX News Sprayed by Facebook Occupies
I ingested a lot of great content yesterday. It was all on Facebook. Some of the best content is spraying from Shira Lazar of What’s Trending. Here’s a recap of what’s occupying the news… Linda Kubda Katehi, Chancellor of University of California, orders police to pepper spray students to disperse them from a peaceful protest…more […]