Generate more revenue with your website

Websites should: provide customers with answers to their questions, and value to meet unmet needs reduce overhead streamline internal processes via automation increase profit margins Work ON your business not IN your business. Your website is the hub of your business. It is your sales funnel. It is completely integrated with as a cross-functional system within the center of […]

Website Launch Checklist

Special thanks to WPEngine for putting this awesome website launch list together. Keep this link in a familiar place so you don’t get lost in the QA process. This list is exhaustive, and not every project requires every step. That decision will be up to you. Step 1 – Before Going Live Step Order Area […]

How your about page can be a sales tool

The about page is in the top 3 pages visited by unique website visitors. I arrive on a website I’ve never been to before. What’s the first thing I do? I read the headline text on the home page, do a quick assessment of the graphics and user interface which lets me know if the […]