Creativity Involves Your Engagement With the World
Rather than dismantle the state of affairs, I want to offer some creative incite on what to do next. We understand the world has problems: What you can do moving forward: Introduce yourself to everyone – Make friends with everyone you meet. Share resources. Life is good when you have shoulders to lean on. […]
Back to Helping the Community
I have been working as Director of Marketing for the last 6-7 months. I learned a lot and it has been quite the experience, but I think it’s time go full time on moxieTODAY again. I have more professional experience and better knowledge of the corporate/business world. As I departed from the job I knew […]
Independent Study at Rutgers University
Richard Miller saw great promise in my project, but even more than that he believed in me. He granted me exclusive use of the Plangere Culture Lab with 10 professional multimedia editing stations, private access, high definition video equipment, a location to launch my business, a weekly stipend, and the ability to collaborate with Richard […]
Rutgers Future Scholars Program
I taught a New Media course that revolved around sustainable development to a class of 20 New Brunswick High School students who have been selected for full scholarships to attend Rutgers University. I taught the students the same concepts I learned from Richard Miller’s Writing as Naturalist. The students learned to explore ideas with new […]
Rutgers Online Newspaper Founder to Bridge Gap Between Student and Community
Since taking Richard Miller’s Writing as a Naturalist, I continued to meet with him on a regular basis as I learned to publish ideas effectively. I learned to study complexity. I thought to myself, “There should be more people publishing their meaningful experiences”. The city was full of vibrant communities, but there was no digital […]
New Brunswick City Council Politics
After attending a New Brunswick city council meeting I was amazed at how the city administration disregarded resident comments and concerns. I thought, someone needs to film this so the residents can see they need to be active in the politics of the city in order to own their destiny. I wanted to mobilize large […]