I had an unexpectedly inspiring phone call this week. The topic? Doing a competitive analysis for my social enterprise.
It is not that I was expecting the person to be uninspiring, however, it was the first time we had ever spoken to one another. Introductory calls typically do not pack too much bang for the buck.
One of the things Garance Choko mentioned on our call was how she thought I should start writing about the competitors in my landscape – she said I should point out the parts of their business models which I do differently. My mind began soar as I thought of the possibilities for new opportunities that would expose themselves to me if I were to follow this advice. Moment of clarity. I immediately told Garance how much I appreciated the advice.

Social Enterprise Competitors to Analyze

We are creating a new market at the intersection of the following adjacent market segments – our customers will come from each of these segments:

The emerging market I speak of is where a select few organizations are building the foundation for a new economy by establishing the various components of a social enterprise ecosystem. This emerging market currently consists of:

Typically, I would assume the above shortlist of social enterprise enablers would be considered my direct competitors. However, working in the social impact space has taught me that these organizations are actually incredibly important potential partnerships. One of our goals is to align our vision with organizations such as the five I list above so that we may work cooperatively, as a team, to have the greatest impact on the outcomes of the next generation. For this reason, I will work on the competitor profiles from the first list I mention above containing accelerators, higher ed, etc.

Competitive Analysis Questions to Answer

Here is a working list of questions I will answer:

Competitive Analysis Profiles

After this post, I will post individual posts for each competitor I profile. The first profile will be the first iteration of the first time doing something like this. Bare with me! If you notice anything that might need improvement or expansion or removal please let me know in the comments so I can improve my approach in the next analysis.

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