New Deals. Themes covered in this episode (click the link to listen on Spotify):

— Wrapping a new economic layer around the planet

— Evaluating the due diligence process

— Being a gatekeeper for financial inclusion

— Creating new asset classes for the unbanked

— Healing on both sides of mergers and acquisitions

— Unconditional love of modern teams

— Navigating the complexities of transparency

— Who are your earlyadopters/earlyvangelists?

In the final two episodes of the Diamonds series, I intend to explore questions like, “How can we establish 10 new $100 Million funds in 2022? How can we say goodbye to mergers and acquisitions (M&A) as we currently know them? How can we line-up a series of new deals, programs, and initiatives that transform the state of humanity?”

Thank you for listening.

Daniel P. D’Alonzo

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