It’s no secret we’re in a time of entrepreneurs and start-ups. The DIY movement has taken over the protester movement because let’s face it, you can only complain about something for so long until you realize, “Wait, I have the power to change this.”

We now have streamlined tools that allow us to build new platforms for our audience over night. You can build, test and launch a product almost instantly. Years ago this was impossible. Take advantage of the opportunity to fail. It’s only going to bring you closer to success at a faster pace.

When you remove the obstacles of coding and other resource-thirsty processes that often disarm your progression, the sky becomes the limit. Now you’re planning elevator pitches rather than searching for code and development solutions.

Assuming you have an awesome business plan and you’re ready to start organizing your initial investment…one of the most important things to have is an effective elevator pitch.

There’s nothing worse than running into a potential investor and you don’t have a well thought out 60 second spiel about your business, the problem you are solving and why you’re the best.

I stumbled upon a video by Tim Berry who does an excellent job breaking down the elevator pitch into four 15-second segments. Great job Tim, great job…

Here’s the full video from Tim:
You can find Tim’s website here.

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