Develop a professional relationship with the universities you’d like to work with. The industries your agency is working with at that time will determine the type of students to recruit. The goal of this relationship is for your agency to be provided graduate students from a university. These graduates are able to work in your offices or your client’s offices around the globe.  Donate to the university and your agency is provided with a set number of graduate students per year. These students manage your internship program of other graduates and possibly undergraduates…and they create a guerrilla marketing force to be reckoned with.

A few thoughts to walk you through…

The rest of the planet needs to learn what the social pioneers have taught themselves. The business world still needs the pioneers, but they have already done the hard part…the wheel was broken and they fixed it. They put in their time and now they need a chance to use the skills they’ve gained to make an impact on the world. Working at a business shouldn’t be thought of as the end point…it should be thought of as a step in the process towards working for humanity.

Not only does this process help agencies cut costs while increasing collaborative capacity, but it also provides funding for many students to get a proper education…trained by the pioneers and thought leaders of our time.

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