In this post, I explore the following questions:

Who is my customer?

My customer runs her own business because she’s a natural born leader.
She is open-minded to change and also feels comfortable voicing her own ideas. She is willing to collaborate with a new provider who is motivated to help her grow.
She feels like her marketing and design service providers aren’t growing her business at the rate she would like. She has watched a few years go by and consistently sees no or little return. She doesn’t mind paying a premium for services that impact her bottom-line in a measurable way.
My customer would like to know what her options are in the event she decided to hire a new provider. She will likely ask a friend, family member, or colleague to refer a name to her. Eventually, she will make her way to the internet for further research a potential solution to her problem.
My customer is willing to write articles, but is looking for strategic direction. She is looking for the right blend of expert guidance, planning, and repeatable processes to help her consistently create and publish the right content for their audience.
My customers often come from very different industries, but with similar problems. My customers also have common traits and qualities that are represented throughout.

Now I will talk about the specific problems my customer is presently confronted with. I will use this list of problems and pain-points to source inspiration for ideas on how to package and deliver my product as a solution.

What is my customer’s problem?

Specific pain-points that have been shared with me by customers over the years:

That brings us to the third question.

How does my customer currently solve the problem?

She hires a service provider (an agency or perhaps a freelancer, for example) who convinces her that his high-priced proposal will be the answer to all of her problems. Unable to tell the difference, and for the sake of simply getting started as soon as possible, she signs the contract.
Hoping she would soon feel some relief or joy from the increase in customer acquisition, my client soon discovers the hard way, yet again, that she is now presented with a new set of problems. These problems have not replaced the previous list I mentioned. Rather, this new list below is on-top of the old list.
This list is in first-person from the business owners I spoke to who are unsatisfied with the status quo.

The headaches, challenges, unreliable and inconsistent results experienced during a marketing or redesign project are the product of a broken playbook.