Mentors can change your life
I am grateful to have had the opportunity to develop as an individual alongside life-changing mentors.
Social entrepreneurs use profit as a tool, not a goal
Social entrepreneurs solve social problems by unleashing various resources on less-advantaged populations.
Social Entrepreneurship Certificates and Social Enterprise Programs
Social entrepreneurship graduate certificate programs are popping up all over the world.
American business: reimagined
When an entrepreneur lives in a different location other than her customer’s local community it reduces the value of her customer’s local community.
Reduce the cost of living
Increase the minimum wage? Or, do you build a startup that reduces the cost of living?
Disruptive innovation by Henry Ford
Henry Ford noticed a problem. Middle class America in which he was apart of wanted a family car.
Build a startup that solves a social problem
What do you say to a student who is about to graduate with a degree that has no value in the current workforce?
Prethinc is a preincubation pipeline. Designed with a unique ecosystem of wraparound services, Prethinc empowers a person to grow purpose-driven projects into profitable products.
Manifestos and Mantras
I wake up some days struggling to remember the meaning of my work. Sometimes it feels like I’ve been wasting time. Do you ever feel like this?