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When labyrinth becomes life.

Each time I woke up, I thought to myself, “Oh, okay. Now, I am awake.” I considered myself a conscious (hu)man. Perhaps. Perhaps my certainty around being ‘awake’ in this moment will, too, become the next floor I stand upon as I emerge through the next ceiling....

The serpent said, “The work is never done.”

I had a call today with a serpent. Here’s what happened. First, this is where I am in the process: Call 1: one of the mothers in my life (CW) Call 2: source of unconditional love (JB) Call 3: after the first two calls, and a few days, I realized that I was ready...

This chapter is called Finding the Others.

“People don’t care about what you do, they care about why you do it. So find the others who believe what you believe.” – Simon Sinek Note: previous updates are listed at the bottom of this article. I had a one hour call with NF this evening....