Starting a podcast is challenging, costly, you don’t own your data, and you need to “rent” various softwares every month. If you’re looking for another option, read on.
I enjoy sharing my thoughts and insights through audio projects. My friends and family said, “You have a voice for radio.” So, I decided to learn how to use my voice by putting it on Spotify.
During the research process of learning how to get a podcast on Spotify, I came across various platform and options that seemed to take control away from me and away from the message I wanted to share with my community. I thought to myself, “There must be a way for me to have a voice without needing to rent four or five different softwares or pay someone for help.”
I figured out a way to bring together a stack of existing technology for a small fraction of the price of alternative options, and I had sovereignty over the entire process and product. I had ownership over what I created. I went to the Brooklyn Public Library, reserved the recording studio for a day, recorded my first episode, published it to Spotify, and shared the link with my friends and family. I did all of this in one day, and now you can too.
- own the relationship with your listeners
- create and publish your voice anytime, anywhere
- own your data and only share it on your own terms
- sovereignty, autonomy, and independence
- self-host on your own server
- do it yourself
When you purchase this venture, you will receive a zip file that contains an up-to-date customized WordPress installation with preinstalled plugins along with the process, strategy, and behavioral patterns that provide you with a roadmap to bring your podcast venture to life. Do it all your own terms.
Automatically receive a single zip file that contains the following assets upon acquisition. Clone, build upon, and install onto a web server of your choice.
- Instructions (how-to document, video walkthrough of each step to bring you from this page to listening to your first episode)
- Pitchdeck (predesigned Figma templates with problem, opportunity, customer, solution, etc.)
- Customized WordPress Installation (drag and drop theme builder, plugins, Spotify integration, easy audio uploads)
- User Experience Design (user flow and wireframes to map out your own ideal journey)
- Copywriting (podcast title + tagline + description, episode title + tagline + description)
- Visual Design Templates (Spotify profile picture, podcast graphic, episode graphic, Facebook banner + profile pic, Instagram profile pic + post graphic + story graphic)
- Online Support Group (upon acquisition, receive a link to join our online support group to receive ongoing support)
The Podcast Venture is currently available for you to integrate into your working life through the Self-Hosted option. If there is a demand for the white-label option, I can make that available for you as well.
- Self-Hosted: after purchase, you will receive a zip file with all the assets listed above for you to publish your first episode to Spotify.
- White-label: sell the Podcast Venture to your customers in a similar way that I am selling it to you. This option is for you if you already have an existing relationship with customers, or, you are forming a partnership with another entity that can unlock access to customers for you.
Acquire the Podcast Venture by December 31st, 2021 and receive a Lifetime License for $149.00 USD. Starting January 1st, 2022, the Lifetime License will increase in price to $499.00 USD.